Dan Ferro
Deere & Company
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Enterprise Support System
This project was driven by the chief financial officer of Deere & Company. One of his goals was to help his peers feel more comfortable with new technology. The first version had a traditional hierarchical navigation system that was very easy to use for novices but became cumbersome as the project grew.
3D Chart
When a redesign of the front-end became necessary to allow the system to also work on the Windows platform, both structure and navigation were reexamined. There were hundreds of screens of information in the system. In the new version, all of this information was presented through one dynamic screen instead of hundreds of individual static ones.
The title was made up of four sections which also served as the navigation system for the reports. Each section was a pop-up list for the type of report, location, product, and time period. The user could select a type of report from the first section. The other sections would present the possible combinations that were available for that report based on previous selections.

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