Dan Ferro |
Associates |
First Page Clients Projects Experience Associates Résumé |
These are only a few of the people I have had the privilege to work with over the years. They are clients and contractors. The experience and knowledge that they have shared has found its way into all of my work. The following list is alphabetical. |
Robert Abbott Robert worked on a number of front-ends for legacy systems at John Deere. He also did the screen design for Deere & Company's Precision Farming application. We have also worked on projects for Hewlett-Packard and MedicaLogic. Robert is now the founder and senior partner at CNTXT. |
Hugh Dubberly Hugh has been a long-term client and a model for process development and management. We met at Apple when I was working for HyperPro. At Netscape he was the creative director and a Vice President. He has since opened Dubberly Design Office in San Francisco. Over the years he has listened to my ideas and provided invaluable insights. |
Paul Foraker Paul was the first person that I worked for in the computer industry. The experience at HyperPro was so enjoyable that I am still deeply involved with technology. He also worked on later versions of HyperCard at Apple. Paul then became the Director of QA at Noah Software which was acquired by Workscape and then ADP. He is now a VP at 4 Spires. |
Gary Levenberg Gary produced the music for the Macintosh Family Showcase and a number of other CD projects at Apple. His music production company is Interactive Audio. |
Phyllis Michaelides Phyllis has been recognized as an industry visionary and regularly appears in the technology press. She has experience in both mainframe legacy systems and developing technologies. Phyllis showed me what is involved in large global information systems. At John Deere she led the fight for open standards. From there she went to AlliedSignal, which has since merged with Honeywell, as a manager in the corporate information systems department. She has since retired as the Chief Technology Officer at Textron. |
Doris Mitsch Doris was at Apple when I met her. We worked on the Desktop Media CD and the first version of the Mac Showcase while I was working for HyperPro. She was a partner at Doris and Clancy, Ltd. which has since closed so Doris could take a trip around the world. Since her return, she has opened her own consulting firm as well as creating wonderful photographic art. Her work, among others, inspired me to continue my own work. First Page Clients Projects Experience Associates Résumé Fine Art Stock Photos – Contact |